Next: Implementation requirements
Up: Requirements
Previous: Security requirements
- Interface provides capability to log into the system only users with permissions to make backup copy
- Interface informs user about unsuccessful login attempt
- Interface lists databases available to dump
- Interface provides capability to add database to list by providing defined set of parameters
- Interface enables user to start backup process
- User interface shows time of backup for every dump file
- Interface lists available dump files
- User interface allows deleting dump files
- Interface enables user to start restore process
- Administrator is allowed to specify system well known settings
- Interface provides capability to log out from the system when user is logged in
- System lists available types of databases to choose from in combobox
- System allows editing information about availables databases
- Interface allows removing databases from the list
- Interface lists available types of output files to choose from in combobox
- Interface lists available modes of compression to choose from in combobox
- Interface provides capability to upload local dump of database to restore from
- Interface allows user changing password in a secure way
- User interface shows warning information in case of making a backup copy and in case of restoring a dump
- Interface shows a logo on top of the page
- Interface shows copyright information on the bottom of the page
Next: Implementation requirements
Up: Requirements
Previous: Security requirements
Wiktor Kolodziej