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HTTPUnit and/or HTMLUnit testing scenarios

  1. Authentication test [AuthenticationTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test logging facilities and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,login'' page, ,,settings'' page
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Login to the system with username and password
    2. Go to ,,Settings'' page
    3. Fill in the change password form with random data (and remember it)
    4. Update settings
    5. Logout
    6. Try to log in with the old password
    7. Log in to the system with remembered username and password
    8. Go to ,,Settings'' page
    9. Fill in the change password form with original data
    10. Update settings
    11. Logout
    12. Try to log with the previus password
    13. Log in with current password

  2. Database list test [DatabaseListTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test whether the same databases are shown in ,,database list'' page and stored in the configuration file and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,database list'' page, configuration file
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read ,,Database list'' page on ,,Database list'' page
    2. Read configuration file on the server
    3. Check whether they match

  3. Add database test [DatabaseAddTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test it adding databases to the system works properly and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,database list'' page, ,,add database'' page
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read and remember entries on ,,Database list'' page
    2. Fill in the form on ,,Add database'' page
    3. Submit the form
    4. Read ,,Database list'' page again
    5. Modify data
    6. Submit the form
    7. Read ,,Database list'' page again
    8. Generate random database entries
    9. Add generated database
    10. Remove generated database
    11. Read ,,Database list'' page again
    12. Expect newly generated page to contain just added entry

  4. Download file from the server test [TrivialDownloadTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test if backuped up database is ready to download and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,backup list'' page
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Select iteratively database from the database list on the ,,Backup list''
    2. Start downloading currently selected database
    3. If started receiving data, the this parto of the test is passed and download stopped
    4. Logout from the system
    5. Try to abuse the system and download images using URL
    6. Try to download configuration file
    7. If download test is passed and after logout there is impossible to download data, test is passed

  5. List plugins test [ListPluginsTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test if listed plugins match entries in the configuration file and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,backup'' page, configuration file
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read database engine list on ,,Backup'' page
    2. Read plugin configuration file on the server
    3. Check whether they match

  6. Backup list test [BackupListTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test whether backups shown on the page match directory contents and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,backup list'' page, contents of the backup directory
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read backup list on the ,,Backup list'' page
    2. Read backups in the server's backup directory
    3. Check whether they match

  7. List backup database test [ListBackupDatabaseTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test if system properly lists databases stored in the system and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,database list'' page, ,,backup'' page
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read database list on the ,,Database list'' page
    2. Read database selectlist on the ,,Backup'' page
    3. Check whether they match

  8. Output file format test [OutputFileFormatTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test if created output file format is really like one selected and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,backup'' page, configuration file
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read output file format selectlist on the ,,Backup'' page
    2. Read configuration file for output file formats
    3. Check whether they match

  9. Compression test [CompressionTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test if compression of the database works and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,backup'' page, configuration file
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Select random compression mode from the selectlist on the ,,Backup'' page and remember it
    2. Backup database
    3. Use file properties to determine whether the output really is the selected format

  10. Delete local backup test [DeleteLocalBackupTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test if deletation of the local backup works and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,backup list''
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Select random database file from the list on the ,,Backup list'' page and remember it
    2. Delete it
    3. Re-read ,,Backup list'' page and check whether the deleted database disappeared

  11. Restore options test [RestoreOptionsTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test restore facilities and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,restore'' page
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read database list and file format from backup selectlists
    2. Do the same with restore selectlists
    3. Check whether they match

  12. Settings test [SettingsTest]

    The purpose of this test it to test settings and find possible abuses of this part of the system.
    Input data: ,,settings'' page
    Output: fail if expected behaviour differs

    1. Read backup directory path from the ,,Settings'' page
    2. Read the same but from configuration file on the server
    3. Check whether they match

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Wiktor Kolodziej 2006-01-12