The administrative panel that enables you to create a back-up copy of a database will be available only after the authentication. In order to gain access to this panel user will have to enter login and password. When the process of authorisation succeeds you will be allowed to perform administrative activities. SSL tunneling will be used to provide safety for the entered data.
After having logged to the system, user has to provide either all of the above data or just part of it using the connection's URL that is characteristic for the database engine. The system stores this data in a form of a configuration file which is used to establish connections. The usage of configuration file has some advantages, such as storing information about all the databases you tend to create backups of. Thanks to this file you do not need to enter the same information every time a back-up is created, all you have to do is select the proper database from the list. The system also takes the possibility of editing this configuration into account.
In order to begin the process user selects database and then chooses the option "Backup". System reads the proper data from the configuration file and tries to establish connection with the selected database. If the connection fails, system generates message informing about the probable cause of the failure, for example wrong data, unrecognized type of database inaccessible server.
After the successful connection with database, system begins to create backup file by reading data from database tables. Unless you choose different option, data will be stored in a form of binary file. The back-up file can be saved on the local machine to the directory path that has been stored in the configuration file with all other data. As the need arises, the file can be compressed. You can also choose whether you want to be informed about the fact that backup has been created. Since databases can be very large, this process can turn out to be time-consumming, so you may decide to use the notification option, then a proper email message will be sent after the backup is complete. The full name of the backup file will be as follows: <number_base_id>_<base_name>_<date>_<format>.<extension>, where:
The second main function of the module is the reconstruction of a database by means of a backup file. You can select the database that needs to be dumped.
The back-up file is a common SQL script and therefore reconstruction of databases does not cause problems. Provided that the script is coherent, the dump process comes down to deleting all the tables and restoring the data from the script.
To obtain that goal, administrator chooses the option "Restore" and enters the name of the proper back-up file.