Next: Implementation
Up: Implementation
Previous: Dbunit tests
- Add database test has been implemented using HTTP unit, which probably is better to this purposes.
- AddDatabaseTest.readList() - reads database list and remembers it
- AddDatabaseTest.addDatabase() - randomly generates database details and adds it to the system
- AddDatabaseTest.check() - check whether database was really added
- Trivial download test has been implemented using HTTP unit, which probably is better to this purposes.
- TrivialDownloadTest.readNext() - reads next database from database backup list
- - starts downloading currently selected database
- Authentication test has been implemented using HTTP unit, because it uses
mainly http requests to deal with tested forms and actions. The invoked methods
- AuthenticationTest.readConfig() - reads generic username and password from the config file,
remembers it and sets active
- AuthenticationTest.login() - logs in with active username and password
- AuthenticationTest.changePassword() - changes password of the user to randomly generated one
- AuthenticationTest.logout() - logs out from the system
Wiktor Kolodziej