Class MysqlConnector

  extended by net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect.DatabaseConnector
      extended by net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect.connectors.MysqlConnector

public class MysqlConnector
extends DatabaseConnector

This is a class handling connection to the database, an implementation of the abstract class DatabaseConnector. It is a specific connector, providing connection to MySQL databases.

See Also:

Field Summary
protected  int columns
          Number of columns in the current table.
protected  java.sql.ResultSet dataSet
          A ResultSet storing table data when it is being downloaded.
static int FETCH_SIZE
          Maximum number of table records downloaded at a time.
protected  int position
          Number of current record in a table while it is being downloaded.
protected  java.lang.String query
          The query used to download next parts of a table into dataSet.
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect.DatabaseConnector
connection, meta
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void clearConstraints(Table table)
          Removes constraints from the database's tables (if they exist), before they are dropped from the database and then inserted from a dump.
protected  void clearDatabase(Dump dump)
          Clears tables from the database if they already exist, before they are inserted from a dump.
 void connect(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String pass)
          Opens a connection to the database, using the provided connection data.
 java.lang.String createURL(DatabaseConnectionData data)
          Creates a MySQL-specific JDBC connection url (it has the form: jdbc:mysql://host:port/database).
 Dump dump()
          Creates a backup of the structure of the entire database.
protected  void dumpColumn(Column column, java.sql.ResultSet rsColumns)
          Downloads the structure of a single table column from the database.
protected  void dumpTableForeignKeys(Table table)
          Downloads the table's foreign (imported) keys from the database.
protected  void dumpTablePrimaryKeys(Table table)
          Downloads the table's primary key from the database.
 java.lang.String[] getTableDataLine()
          Downloads one record of data from the previously initialized table in database.
 void initializeTableData(java.lang.String tableName)
          Prepares the given table for downloading its data.
 void restore(Dump dump)
          Restores the structure of the database from a Dump object loaded from a previously created backup file.
protected  void restoreTableConstraints(Table table)
          Restores the table's constraints (e.g.
protected  void restoreTableData(Table table)
          Restores the table's data into the database.
protected  void restoreTableStructure(Table table)
          Creates a single table using information from a dump.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect.DatabaseConnector
connect, disconnect, dumpTable, dumpTables, printResultSet
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.sql.ResultSet dataSet
A ResultSet storing table data when it is being downloaded.


protected java.lang.String query
The query used to download next parts of a table into dataSet.


protected int position
Number of current record in a table while it is being downloaded.


protected int columns
Number of columns in the current table.


public static final int FETCH_SIZE
Maximum number of table records downloaded at a time.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public MysqlConnector()
Method Detail


public void connect(java.lang.String url,
                    java.lang.String user,
                    java.lang.String pass)
             throws java.sql.SQLException,
Opens a connection to the database, using the provided connection data.

Specified by:
connect in class DatabaseConnector
url - a correct connection URL
user - user's login in the database
pass - user's password
java.sql.SQLException - if the connection is not possible
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - if there is a problem with loading a driver


public Dump dump()
Creates a backup of the structure of the entire database. It doesn't backup any data.

Specified by:
dump in class DatabaseConnector
a Dump object containing information about database structure
java.sql.SQLException - if the backup process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void dumpTablePrimaryKeys(Table table)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Downloads the table's primary key from the database. This method implements the empty method dumpTablePrimaryKeys() in the superclass, so is will be called by superclass's dumpTable() after it retrieves all the columns.

dumpTablePrimaryKeys in class DatabaseConnector
table - a table which should be checked for primary keys
java.sql.SQLException - if the backup process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void dumpTableForeignKeys(Table table)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Downloads the table's foreign (imported) keys from the database. This method implements the empty method dumpTableForeignKeys() in the superclass, so is will be called by superclass's dumpTable() after it retrieves all the columns.

dumpTableForeignKeys in class DatabaseConnector
table - a table which should be checked for foreign keys
java.sql.SQLException - if the backup process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void dumpColumn(Column column,
                          java.sql.ResultSet rsColumns)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Downloads the structure of a single table column from the database. This method overrides the method in superclass and will be called by superclass's dumpTable() for each column in a table. The specific behaviour which is needed for MySQL is handling the enum data type, because enum's possible options can't be retrieved directly through DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(), but only using a SHOW COLUMNS query.

dumpColumn in class DatabaseConnector
column - a column which should have its parameters downloaded
rsColumns - a ResultSet returned by DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(), set on this column's record
java.sql.SQLException - if the backup process is interrupted by a critical error


public void restore(Dump dump)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Restores the structure of the database from a Dump object loaded from a previously created backup file. It doesn't restore any data.

Specified by:
restore in class DatabaseConnector
dump - a Dump object containing information about database structure
java.sql.SQLException - if the restore process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void clearDatabase(Dump dump)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Clears tables from the database if they already exist, before they are inserted from a dump. This method is called by restore().

dump - the dump which contains names of the tables which should be cleared
java.sql.SQLException - if the clear process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void clearConstraints(Table table)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Removes constraints from the database's tables (if they exist), before they are dropped from the database and then inserted from a dump. This method is called by clearDatabase() and is needed because it may not be possible to drop some of the tables if they have constraints binding them to other tables.

table - the table which contains constraints which should be removed
java.sql.SQLException - if the clear process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void restoreTableStructure(Table table)
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Creates a single table using information from a dump. It restores all the fields, also adds a primary key if there is one, but doesn't upload any data yet and doesn't add constraints other than the primary key.

table - the table which should be added to the database
java.sql.SQLException - if the create process is interrupted by a critical error


protected void restoreTableConstraints(Table table)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Restores the table's constraints (e.g. foreign keys). This method is called at the end of restoring process, after the data is uploaded, because otherwise we would have to find a correct order in which to download the data to prevent any conflicts.

table - the table whose constraints should be added


protected void restoreTableData(Table table)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Restores the table's data into the database. The data are loaded from the backup file record after record just before they are uploaded into the database.

table - the table whose data should be uploaded
java.sql.SQLException - when the data can't be uploaded


public java.lang.String createURL(DatabaseConnectionData data)
Creates a MySQL-specific JDBC connection url (it has the form: jdbc:mysql://host:port/database).

Specified by:
createURL in class DatabaseConnector
data - an object providing all the data necessary to open the connection
a connection url string generated from the data


public void initializeTableData(java.lang.String tableName)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Prepares the given table for downloading its data. That means, it runs a query "SELECT * FROM `tablename`" and stores the received result set.

Specified by:
initializeTableData in class DatabaseConnector
tableName - name of the table from which data should be downloaded


public java.lang.String[] getTableDataLine()
                                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Downloads one record of data from the previously initialized table in database.

Specified by:
getTableDataLine in class DatabaseConnector
next record from the table, or null if there are no more records
java.sql.SQLException - if data record can't be downloaded because of a connection error or an error in the database

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