2 package net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect;
4 import java.io.File;
5 import java.io.FileInputStream;
6 import java.io.IOException;
7 import java.util.Properties;
9 import net.sourceforge.jdbdump.dump.BinaryFileManager;
10 import net.sourceforge.jdbdump.dump.Column;
11 import net.sourceforge.jdbdump.dump.Constraint;
12 import net.sourceforge.jdbdump.dump.Dump;
13 import net.sourceforge.jdbdump.dump.DumpFileManager;
14 import net.sourceforge.jdbdump.dump.Table;
16 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
18 /***
19 * A class which may be used to test the dump/restore engine from the command line.
20 * <br /><br />
21 * This is not a JUnit test, as the name could suggest. It's just a class with main() which I use
22 * to test dump creating, when I don't want to or can't use the web GUI.
23 * <br /><br />
24 * Usage: <br/>
25 * java TestDump dump|restore|print <dumpfile> <propfile>, where:
26 * <ul>
27 * <li>option dump creates the backup, restore uploads it back to the database,
28 * and print just attempts to print some of the information from the file</li>
29 * <li><dumpfile> is the dump file to be created or loaded</li>
30 * <li><propfile> is a name of a property file in which database settings are stored</li>
31 * </ul>
32 * PropFile should be in classic properties format and should have such properties:
33 * <ul>
34 * <li>connector - connector class name (e.g.
35 * net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect.connectors.MysqlConnector)</li>
36 * <li>url - database url (e.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost/jsuder2)</li>
37 * <li>login</li>
38 * <li>password</li>
39 * <li>compression (zip, gzip or none)</li>
40 * </ul>
41 * Warning: if a dump from MySQL fails and throws an exception concerning an empty date (0000-00-00),
42 * add an option "?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull" to the end of the url.
43 *
44 * @author jsuder
45 */
47 public class TestDump {
49 /***
50 * Runs the command line tool with given arguments.
51 * @param args command line arguments
52 */
54 public static void main(String[] args) {
55 Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestDump.class);
57 if (args.length != 3) {
58 System.out.println("Use: java TestDump dump|restore|print <dumpfile> <propfile>, where:");
59 System.out.println("- option dump creates the backup, restore uploads it back to the database, "
60 + "and print just attempts to print some of the information from the file");
61 System.out.println("- <dumpfile> is the dump file to be created or loaded.");
62 System.out.println("- <propfile> is a name of a property file in which database "
63 + "settings are stored");
64 System.out.println("PropFile should be in classic properties format and should have properties:");
65 System.out.println("- connector - connector class name (e.g. net.sourceforge.jdbdump.connect.connectors.MysqlConnector)");
66 System.out.println("- url - database url (e.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost/jsuder2)");
67 System.out.println("- login, password");
68 System.out.println("- compression (zip, gzip or none)");
69 System.out.println("Warning: if a dump from MySQL fails and throws an exception concerning "
70 + "an empty date (0000-00-00), add an option \"?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull\" "
71 + "to the end of the url.");
72 return;
73 }
75 Properties props = new Properties();
76 String option = args[0];
77 String dumpFile = args[1];
78 String propFile = args[2];
80 String url, login, password, conn, comp;
81 try {
82 props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(propFile)));
83 url = props.getProperty("url");
84 comp = props.getProperty("compression");
85 conn = props.getProperty("connector");
86 login = props.getProperty("login");
87 password = props.getProperty("password");
88 if (url == null) {
89 logger.error("Property 'url' is missing in file " + propFile + "...");
90 return;
91 } else if (comp == null) {
92 logger.error("Property 'compression' is missing in file " + propFile + "...");
93 return;
94 } else if (conn == null) {
95 logger.error("Property 'connector' is missing in file " + propFile + "...");
96 return;
97 } else if (login == null) {
98 logger.error("Property 'login' is missing in file " + propFile + "...");
99 return;
100 } else if (password == null) {
101 logger.error("Property 'password' is missing in file " + propFile + "...");
102 return;
103 }
104 } catch (IOException e) {
105 logger.error("Error reading properties from file '" + propFile + "'");
106 return;
107 }
109 DatabaseConnector connector = DatabaseConnectorFactory.getInstance().createConnector(conn);
111 try {
112 connector.connect(url, login, password);
114 DumpFileManager saver = new BinaryFileManager();
115 DumpFileManager.CompressionMethod cm;
117 if (comp.equals("zip")) {
118 cm = DumpFileManager.CompressionMethod.ZIP;
119 } else if (comp.equals("gzip")) {
120 cm = DumpFileManager.CompressionMethod.GZIP;
121 } else {
122 cm = DumpFileManager.CompressionMethod.NONE;
123 }
125 if (option.equals("dump")) {
126 logger.info("Now creating dump...");
127 Dump dump = connector.dump();
129 logger.info("Saving dump...");
131 saver.exportDump(dump, new File(dumpFile), cm);
132 logger.info("Dump saved to " + dumpFile + ".");
133 } else {
134 logger.info("Loading dump from " + dumpFile + "...");
135 Dump dump = (Dump) saver.importDump(new File(dumpFile), cm);
137 if (option.equals("print")) {
138 logger.info("Contents of the dump:");
139 for (Table table : dump.getTables()) {
140 logger.info("Table '" + table.getName() + "':");
141 for (Column column : table.getColumns()) {
142 logger.info("- Column '" + column.getName() + "': ");
143 logger.info(" > type: '" + column.getType() + "'");
144 logger.info(" > length: " + column.getLength());
145 logger.info(" > decimals: " + column.getDecimalDigits());
146 logger.info(" > default: '" + column.getDefault() + "'");
147 logger.info(" > nullable: " + column.getNullable());
148 logger.info(" > nullable2: '" + column.getNullable2() + "'");
149 logger.info(" > remarks: '" + column.getRemarks() + "'");
150 }
151 for (Constraint cons : table.getConstraints()) {
152 logger.info("- Constraint '" + cons.getName() + "':");
153 logger.info(" > type: '" + cons.getType() + "'");
154 logger.info(" > text: " + cons.getText());
155 }
157 logger.info("- table data:");
158 table.initializeData();
159 while (true) {
160 String[] line = table.getDataLine();
161 if (line == null) break;
163 String ln = " > record: ";
164 for (int i=0; i<line.length-1; i++) {
165 ln = ln + "'" + line[i] + "', ";
166 }
167 ln = ln + "'" + line[line.length-1] + "'";
168 logger.info(ln);
169 }
170 }
171 } else if (option.equals("restore")) {
172 logger.info("Now restoring...");
173 connector.restore(dump);
174 } else {
175 logger.error("Wrong option: " + option);
176 }
177 dump.closeFileReader();
178 }
179 connector.disconnect();
181 } catch (Exception e) {
182 logger.error("An SQL Exception occured: " + e);
183 e.printStackTrace();
184 }
185 }
186 }